Friday Fun

Host: Riveren Station
Written by Georgia Underwood – Manager, Riveren Station.

Friday – Assembly day

Friday is the children’s favourite school day – not because it’s the last day of the week, but because they have school assembly on IDL. They get to hear what has been happening in other classes during the week, what exciting events have happened and might be coming up, and if they’ve put in a great effort they are sometimes rewarded with a merit certificate, presented by their teacher over the computer (and then received in the post a week later). They also get the opportunity at the end of assembly to have a quick glimpse of everyone else logged on to the computer for assembly as the teachers quickly scroll through all the families, flashing school rooms up onto the big screens, complete with students waving frantically at their friends.

This week we were privileged to see some amazing dance video clips, and some of the grooviest dance moves ever rocked out in a school classroom. We contributed an amazing scene from Swan Lake courtesy of our preschool ballerina, and an alien robot dance, complete with straw stuffing a la the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz. Our dance clips were filmed out in the horse paddock on an old concrete slab that in a previous life was an ablution block (circa 1950’s), so the dancers had to exercise a degree of caution when pirouetting to avoid the old drainage holes. There is nothing like a hole in the dance floor to add an edge of excitement to your four move dance routine!

Meanwhile as a backdrop to the huge excitement of assembly, station life continues as normal. Today the handy crew spilt in three directions, Gum Creek was mustered whilst Stirling was drafted and bushed home to the paddock, Fault bore got a new motor, and Chardonnay bore was pulled, repaired, and put back down. Tomorrow will be a long day drafting Gum Creek paddock, trucking the weaners home, and then a well-deserved rest on Sunday. With any luck we’ll have barramundi on the BBQ for dinner.

Blog 5.1 Water on its way copyWater on its way.
