Wonder Woman – The Power of Posing

Host: Miss Jodie
Written by Miss Jodie – Jill of All Trades, Northern Australia.

This blog is a little different to the others here on Central Station, but I still think it’s relevant. In fact, if one person reads this and tries it out, I will be ecstatic. I would like to share with you a gem of knowledge I was shown by a mentor earlier in the year.

Have you ever been asked to do something that terrified you just thinking of doing it?

For some people it’s being asked to speak in front of an audience, for others it’s attending a job interview that turns their minds blank, for me, it’s talking to scientists.

Engaging in an actual conversation with actual scientists, who do actual experiments and stuff, was beyond my mental capability. I’d go to pieces; trembling, nauseous, blank-minded pieces.

This is a problem because it’s something I’m required to do on a semi-regular basis.

Conferences, meetings, field days, farm tours, etc. It’s a part of my job description and something that until recently, I am not afraid to say, I sucked at. I would have all of these thoughts racing through my head; “I can’t think of anything to say to them!”, “I can’t remember what trial they’re working on!” (And as if I’d know anything about the type of research they were completing anyway?!) How was a simple person like me going to be able to talk to an industry-respected person like that? I’d only make a fool of myself! Better off to stick to safe topics . . . like the weather. Good that took up two minutes . . . now what . . . umm . . . Blankety blank blank!

Photo 1. A five minute speech felt like it lasted an hour at a conference earlier this year in Alice Springs copyA five minute speech felt like it lasted an hour at a conference earlier this year in Alice Springs.

That is until I was shown a clip from YouTube, and that’s what I’d like to share with you today, the Power of Posing. Now this isn’t research that I’ve done. In fact it was done by a Professor in the United States named Amy Cuddy – she deserves full credit. Now I won’t ruin it for you, but let me tell you, it works. Changing your posture for two minutes (watch the clip) can change your hormone balance, which in turn changes your thought patterns and allows you to have the confidence to complete the task/interview/presentation/conversation. Proven science.

Photo 2. There was lots of power posing before this field day! copyThere was a lot of power posing before this one!

Now I think this could be used anywhere, by anyone! That’s what makes it so fantastic! Anyone can use it in any situation where you feel you are lacking confidence. Preparing for a difficult conversation with a boss; getting ready before you enter the cutting D in your first campdraft; before giving a presentation in front of your colleagues; before meeting the big boss; before turning up to a station for the first time, anywhere! You can do it! All you need is two minutes and some positive thoughts!

Yeah righto, so right now I acknowledge that I sound like all the fitness/empowering memes on Instagram, but I whole heartedly believe that you are much more capable then you realise, and it’s not until you challenge yourself that you can find that out! Sometimes it feels like we are incapable, but you never know until you try and if you are going to try, why not give yourself every opportunity to succeed? Prepare yourself, potentially calm yourself down if necessary, go in to whatever your terrifying situation is rationally and confidently and you will be blown away by what you can do. You are the same person, you’re just allowing yourself discover the breadth of your amazing ability.

And, of course remember the six P’s: Prior preparation prevents p*** poor performance!

Photo 3. Weaner version of a power pose copyWeaner version of a power pose.

Go forth and conquer fellow Central Stationers!

Photo 4. Ready to conquer! Heading to Alice copyReady to conquer! Heading to Alice.

“To be the best, you have to do your best. Remember you ain’t the only one that wants the triumph, everybody wants to be the champion, but only those who believe in themselves will keep up ‘til they achieve it.” – Anonymous.
