The Crew

Host: Koordarrie Station
Written by Kristie de Pledge – Manager, Koordarrie Station.

Every year, we have a ‘Crew’. They can come from overseas, they can be Aussie, they tend to be young (18-25) and sometimes they were part of last years ‘Crew’.

This year most of our crew are from Africa! We have four Namibians and one South African working between Koordarrie and Yanrey. The South African is part of an International Rural Exchange program, where he has come to learn skills and gather experience in his chosen area of Agriculture to take back to the home farm.


At Koordarrie, we have had the pleasure of the two young Namibian men, Marco and Thorsten (pronounced Torsten), working for us since February. Though from farming background, they are considered ‘green’ which is our way of saying inexperienced. What they may lack in station knowledge, they make up for in spades of a keen attitude!

It does not matter what you don’t know, what matters is how hard you try. These guys have plenty of try. And very handily, are both qualified mechanics!

We have had them busy building yards, putting up fences, servicing pumps and mustering cattle.


Hi, I am Thorsten, 24 years old and I grew up on a farm in the North of Namibia. We are farming with cattle and sheep, and we are doing trophy hunting. I did my Trophy Hunting Course, so I am a Hunting Guide and my second occupation is being a Diesel Mechanic for 4 years. I’m very happy being here on Koordarrie, every day I experience learning something new! The yard building have made me being a quite good welder, which I wasn’t before…



Most fun for me is the mustering of cattle, it does not involve just fun . . . but it is very challenging and a totally new thing I am experiencing here on Koordarrie and Yanrey! I am mustering with a bike, it has improved my bike driving skills too. Doing a Koordarrie run (checking the waters on water troughs) with the bike, is such pleasant job for me, but even fencing, repairing water pipelines, or the drafting of cattle, everything improves my skills about farming background.

